Secure Online Payment

Donating online is a quick and secure way to contribute to HZCT

Convenient and Secure

Make a Difference with a Click: Donate Online and Transform Lives

Thank you for considering supporting the active appeals and programs of HZCT through online donations. Your contribution can make a significant difference in the lives of the underprivileged communities we serve. Donating online is a convenient and secure way to support our initiatives and ensure your contribution reaches those in need effectively. Here are the ways you can make an online donation:


Bank Transfer

Donate through Bank Transfer
Your generosity can change lives

Bank Transfer Details

Only For Donations within India

For our supporters in India, we offer the option to donate through bank transfer. Please use the following details:

Pay by Cheque

Donate by Cheque
Give Hope to Those in Need

Payment By Cheque Details

Offline Donations within India

If you prefer to donate via cheque, you can make a cheque payable to Hyderabad Zakat and Charitable Trust and mail it to our registered address. Please ensure that your cheque includes your full name, address, and contact information so that we can send you a receipt for your donation.

Your Donation Can Change Lives

Together, Let's Create a Better Tomorrow – Donate to HZCT Today!

We believe that every small act of kindness can make a big difference. By donating to Hyderabad Zakat and Charitable Trust, you can be a part of our mission to create a positive impact in the lives of the underprivileged. Your donation can help us provide education, food, shelter, and healthcare to those in need.

Direct Impact: Every Rupee Counts

Every rupee donated goes directly towards the betterment of the needy.

Transparency and Accountability Guaranteed

HZCT ensures transparency and accountability in its financial dealings.

Transform Lives with Your Contribution

Your contribution can help transform the lives of the less fortunate and empower them to lead a self-sufficient life.

Support a Proven Charity for Community Impact

By donating to HZCT, you are supporting a reliable and trustworthy charity organization with a proven track record of making a difference in the community.
Thank you for your generous support. Your donation will make a difference in the lives of those in need. If you have any questions about donating to HZCT, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Your Donation will Change the Lives of the Underprivileged