Marriage of Orphan Girls & Young Widows

Embracing Love and Hope

Supporting the Marriage of Orphan Girls and Remarriage of Young Widows

At HZCT, we believe in the power of love and the significance of building strong, supportive families. Through our Marriage of Orphan Girls and Remarriage of Young Widows Project, we extend a helping hand to those in need, providing financial support to cover the essential expenses of marriage and remarriage. By contributing to this heartfelt initiative, you can play a vital role in bringing joy, stability, and a renewed sense of belonging to these deserving individuals.


No. of Beneficiaries 2022-23


Total Amount 2022-23


No. of Beneficiaries From 1993 To 2023 (30 years)

Rs. 0 + Crores

Amount From 1993 To 2023 (30 years)

  1. Extending Financial Support:

We understand that the financial burden associated with marriage and remarriage can be overwhelming for orphan girls and young widows. Our ongoing Project aims to alleviate their financial concerns by providing substantial financial support. We offer a comprehensive package that covers expenses such as furniture, bridal attire, utensils, and a cash component of Rs.10,000/-, along with gold jewelry worth Rs.15,000/-. For orphan girls, the support extends to marriage expenses ranging from Rs.15,000/- to Rs.20,000/-.

  1. Empowering Orphan Girls:

For orphan girls, marriage symbolizes not only the union of two souls but also the opportunity for a stable and secure future. By offering financial assistance, HZCT enables these girls to embark on their marital journey with confidence and dignity. We believe that every girl deserves the chance to embrace love, companionship, and a nurturing family environment.

  1. Embracing Young Widows:

Young widows often face immense emotional and financial challenges after the loss of their spouses. Our Project recognizes the importance of providing them with a second chance at happiness through remarriage. By offering financial support for their remarriage, we aim to empower young widows to rebuild their lives, find solace once again, and create a nurturing home for themselves and their future families.

  1. Ensuring a Dignified Start:

HZCT is committed to ensuring that the marriage and remarriage ceremonies are dignified, memorable occasions for the individuals involved. We understand the significance of these life events and strive to provide comprehensive support to make them truly special. By covering essential expenses and facilitating a well-prepared start, we contribute to creating a strong foundation for lasting happiness and stability.

  1. Your Support Matters:

Donating to our Marriage of Orphan Girls and Remarriage of Young Widows Project holds the power to transform lives. Your generous contribution directly impacts the lives of orphan girls and young widows, offering them a chance at a brighter future filled with love, support, and stability. Together, we can empower these individuals, break societal barriers, and create a world where everyone has the opportunity to experience the joys of a loving marriage.

  1. Make a Difference Today:

Join us in our mission to support the marriage and remarriage of orphan girls and young widows. Your donation, regardless of its size, will make a significant difference in the lives of those longing for love, companionship, and stability. By contributing to this noble cause, you become a beacon of hope and a catalyst for positive change. Together, we can create a society that embraces and supports those in need, allowing them to experience the transformative power of love and a nurturing family environment.

The Marriage of Orphan Girls and Remarriage of Young Widows Project at HZCT is a testament to our commitment to creating a society where everyone has the opportunity to experience the joy and stability of a loving marriage. Through your support and generosity, we can alleviate financial burdens, empower individuals, and build strong, nurturing families. Join us today in making a meaningful impact on the lives of orphan girls and young widows, allowing them to embark on a journey filled with love, companionship, and renewed hope. Together, we can create a world where everyone has the chance to embrace the warmth of a loving relationship.


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