Hyderabad Zakat & Charitable Trust (HZCT)

Hyderabad Zakat & Charitable Trust (HZCT) was established in 1993 with a vision to bring about positive social change and uplift the underprivileged sections of society. It was founded by Mr. Ghiasuddin Babukhan, a member of an esteemed business family in Hyderabad. Mr. Babukhan’s deep commitment to making a difference in society inspired him to join forces with like-minded individuals who shared his vision and passion.

With a shared belief in the power of compassion, philanthropy, and community service, HZCT embarked on a journey to address the pressing needs and challenges faced by marginalized communities. The Trust was formed as a platform to channelize resources, and goodwill towards initiatives that would have a lasting impact on the lives of the underprivileged.

Over the years, HZCT has been actively engaged in various charitable and welfare activities, striving to uplift the less fortunate and create opportunities for their empowerment. The Trust has implemented a wide range of projects and programs focused on education, healthcare, poverty alleviation, women’s empowerment, and community development.

Under the guidance of Mr. Ghiasuddin Babukhan and the collective efforts of a dedicated team, HZCT has made significant strides in improving the lives of countless individuals and communities. The Trust’s initiatives have touched the lives of the most vulnerable, providing them with access to education, healthcare facilities, livelihood support, and social welfare services.

HZCT firmly believes in the principle of Zakat, the Islamic practice of charitable giving, which serves as a guiding force for its philanthropic endeavors. With a transparent and accountable approach, the Trust ensures that the resources entrusted to it are utilized effectively and efficiently to maximize the impact to the beneficiaries.

Today, HZCT stands as a beacon of hope, a symbol of compassion, and a catalyst for positive change in the society. The Trust continues to evolve, adapt, and expand its reach, driven by its unwavering commitment to serving humanity in making a meaningful difference in the lives of those in need.


People We Helped Since 1993

Rs. 0 + Crores

Funds Donated Since 1993


Creating Opportunities for a Brighter Future

Our mission is to provide quality education, life and career-building skills, and assistance to women, while extending our support through Zakat in times of need. These core focus areas enable us to empower individuals and create opportunities for a brighter future.


Passion for Progress: Driven by Empowerment

At HZCT, we are driven by a profound belief in the transformative power of education and the urgent need to nurture self-reliant generations in an ever-challenging world. We recognize that education and training hold the key to shaping a brighter future for empowering underprivileged communities.

Education serves as a shield, protecting children from the adversities of life while instilling in them the values of compassion, empathy, and resilience. It paves the way for personal growth and collective progress, enabling individuals to break free from the cycle of poverty. At HZCT, we are dedicated to upholding this promise of education and ensuring it reaches those who need it the most.

Guided by the principles of Zakat, we are committed to the productive distribution of wealth. Our initiatives are driven by the firm belief that every individual, regardless of their socio-economic background, deserves equal access to quality education. By extending our outreach to the most deserving communities, we aim to bridge the gap and create opportunities for those who have been marginalized.

Our organization embraces the responsibility of being the bearer of this promise. We work tirelessly to identify and support the most deserving students, providing them with the resources, guidance, and opportunities they need to thrive. Through our efforts, we strive to create a positive ripple effect, uplifting individuals and their communities, and shaping a society built on equity and empowerment.

Join us in our mission to make education a reality for all. Together, we can create a future where every individual has the chance to fulfill their potential and contribute meaningfully to society. Let us stand united in the pursuit of knowledge, compassion, and social justice.


Empowerment through Education: Our Core Beliefs

At HZCT, we firmly believe in the transformative power of education and the liberation that comes from knowledge. Our organization is guided by the principle that empowerment and freedom can be achieved through education and the acquisition of knowledge.

We recognize that education is not merely a means of acquiring information but a catalyst for personal growth, societal progress, and individual empowerment. By equipping individuals with the tools, skills, and knowledge they need, we aim to break down barriers, challenge limitations, and open doors of opportunity.

Through our unwavering belief in the power of education, we strive to uplift individuals, families, and communities, enabling them to overcome adversity and unlock their full potential. We believe that every individual has the right to access quality education, regardless of their background or circumstances.

Education holds the key to breaking the cycle of poverty, promoting equality, and fostering social change. It empowers individuals to think critically, solve problems, and contribute meaningfully to society. By investing in education, we invest in a brighter future for all.

With this guiding belief, we are dedicated to creating educational opportunities, supporting students, and ensuring that knowledge is accessible to those who need it most. We envision a world where education is a fundamental right, where individuals can pursue their dreams and aspirations, and where knowledge serves as a catalyst for personal and collective transformation.


Mr. Ahmed Sayeed
Mr. Shad Azeem Khan
Mr. Mohsin A.K Babukhan
Mr. Mansoor Babukhan
Mr. Mustafa Mohammed Babukhan

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