Other Schemes & Projects

Making a Lasting Impact

Other Schemes and Projects by HZCT

At HZCT, our commitment to uplifting communities goes beyond our core projects. We believe in addressing various social needs and providing support where it is most needed. Through our Other Schemes and Projects, we have embarked on a journey to make a lasting impact in the lives of individuals and families. By donating to these initiatives, you can join us in creating positive change, empowering communities, and nurturing a spirit of compassion.


No. of Beneficiaries From 1993 To 2023 (30 years)

Rs. 0 + Crores

Amount From 1993 To 2023 (30 years)

  • HIESET Talent Search:

Hyderabad Zakat & Charitable Trust (HZCT) is proud to announce its collaborative effort with the Ghiasuddin Babukhan Charitable Trust (GBKCT) to conduct the Hyderabad Institute of Excellence Scholarship and Talent Eligibility online test (HIESET) across the states of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.

  • Provision of Bore Wells:

Access to clean and safe drinking water is a basic necessity for a healthy and prosperous life. HZCT recognizes the significance of this need and has implemented the provision of bore wells in remote villages. By ensuring access to clean water, we strive to enhance the overall well-being of individuals and families, fostering a foundation for better health and hygiene.

  • Young Widows Welfare:

The journey of a young widow can be filled with emotional, financial, and social challenges. HZCT recognizes the importance of providing comprehensive support to these individuals. Our Young Widows Welfare program offers a range of services and assistance, including counseling, skill development, financial support, and empowerment initiatives. Through this program, we aim to restore dignity, foster independence, and help young widows rebuild their lives with renewed hope and opportunities.

  • Coaching for Civil Services Exam:

Education opens doors to a world of opportunities. HZCT recognizes the potential and talent of brilliant students aspiring to excel in the Civil Services Exam. Through our Coaching for Civil Services Exam program, we provide guidance, resources, and mentorship to help these individuals realize their dreams. By supporting this initiative, you contribute to the empowerment of future leaders and agents of change.

  • Sadaqa:

The act of giving selflessly is deeply ingrained in our values. HZCT facilitates the distribution of Sadaqa, a charitable act of giving, to those in need. Through this initiative, we address immediate needs and provide assistance to vulnerable individuals and families, offering them relief, support, and a sense of hope during challenging times.

Your Support Matters:

Each of these schemes and projects under the Other Schemes category holds immense importance for the communities we serve. However, sustaining and expanding these initiatives require continuous support from compassionate individuals like you. By donating to HZCT’s Other Schemes and Projects, you directly contribute to improving the lives of thousands of individuals, providing them with vital resources, opportunities, and a chance for a brighter future.

Make a Difference Today:

Join us in making a meaningful impact through our Other Schemes and Projects. Your contribution, no matter the amount, has the power to transform lives, uplift communities, and create lasting change. Together, we can build a society that values compassion, empowers individuals, and nurtures a culture of giving. Donate today and be a catalyst for positive transformation.

HZCT’s Other Schemes and Projects are a testament to our commitment to addressing diverse social needs and empowering communities. Through initiatives such as provision of bore wells, health care centers, support for young widows, craft centers for training, coaching for civil services exams, and Sadaqa distribution, we strive to make a lasting impact in the lives of those in need. Your generous support ensures the continuity and expansion of these initiatives, enabling us to reach more individuals and create a brighter future together. Donate today and become a beacon of hope for those who need it the most.


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