Scholarship Program

Scholarship Project

Empowering Dreams through Educational Opportunities

At Hyderabad Zakat and Charitable Trust (HZCT), we are committed to making education accessible and affordable to every deserving student. Through our Scholarship Project, we aim to provide financial assistance and support to students, ensuring that they can pursue their academic aspirations and achieve their dreams.

Orphan Scholarship:

Our Orphan Scholarship program is designed to uplift orphan students and provide them with equal opportunities for education. We extend scholarships from LKG to PG in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. This initiative aims to prevent dropouts caused by financial constraints and support these students throughout their educational journey. Annually, approximately over 12,000 orphan students benefit from this program, with an expenditure of Rs. 3 Crores. By supporting the Orphan Scholarship program, you can play a significant role in empowering these deserving students to overcome challenges and build a brighter future.

Scholarship for Professional Courses:

We recognize the importance of nurturing talent in professional fields and providing opportunities for higher education. Our Scholarship for Professional Courses aims to support deserving and meritorious students pursuing courses such as Medicine, Engineering, Post Graduation, C.A, Law, in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. This program enables students to pursue their chosen careers without the burden of financial constraints. Annually, an amount of Rs. 35 lakhs is dedicated to this scheme, ensuring that talented individuals have the means to excel in their chosen fields.


No. of Beneficiaries 2022-23

Rs. 0 + Crores

Total Amount 2022-23


No. of Beneficiaries From 1993 To 2023 (30 years)

Rs. 0 + Crores

Amount From 1993 To 2023 (30 years)

Through our Scholarship Project, we not only provide financial assistance but also offer mentorship and guidance to students, helping them navigate their educational journey and shape their future. We firmly believe in the power of education to transform lives and uplift communities.

By donating to the Scholarship Project of HZCT, you become a catalyst for change and empowerment. Your contributions directly impact the lives of deserving students, enabling them to access quality education and realize their full potential. Together, we can bridge the gap and create a society where education is a right, not a privilege.

Join us in our mission to provide equal opportunities and create a brighter future for deserving students. Your support can make a significant difference in their lives and pave the way for a better tomorrow.

Make a Donation

Donate to Support Professional Course Scholarships for Underprivileged Students
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Donation Total: ₹10,000.00


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